Estudios λambda. Teoría y práctica de la didáctica en lengua y literatura obedece a la necesidad de contar con un espacio editorial plural, de intercambio y discusión académicos en el campo de la didáctica de la lengua y la literatura. Se trata de una revista de carácter científico – reflexivo y con énfasis en la innovación e investigación, que busca incluir los resultados de las investigaciones educativas en el ámbito de la lengua y la literatura que se realizan a nivel nacional e internacional.

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 40
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
-One Learns to Quote by Quoting: Didactic Experience in Academic Literacy: One Learns to Quote by Quoting: Didactic Experience in Academic Literacy
-The Use of Digital Social Networks in University Contexts: The Use of Digital Social Networks in University Contexts
-Learning Based Projects to Develope Competencies in Language and Literature: Learning Based Projects to Develope Competencies in Language and Literature
-Digital Reading in the University: between Every Day and Scholarly Stuff: Digital Reading in the University: between Every Day and Scholarly Stuff
-What Is the Objective in Teaching Spanish in Elementary Education? What Is the Objective in Teaching Spanish in Elementary Education?
-Digital Literacy on the Internet: the Case of Scorchy: Digital Literacy on the Internet: the Case of Scorchy
-Literary Experiences that Foster an Emotional Synergy between Parents and Students: Literary Experiences that Foster an Emotional Synergy between Parents and Students
-Literature for Young People: Reading Materials. The Learning Experiences as anecdotes: Literature for Young People: Reading Materials. The Learning Experiences as anecdotes
-The appropriation of ICT in college students: An approach from their habitus and social representations: The appropriation of ICT in college students: An approach from their habitus and social representations
-Game of Thrones: Adapting the RTTP Model to the Teaching of Literature: Game of Thrones: Adapting the RTTP Model to the Teaching of Literature
-Why Film for the Study of Literature: Why Film for the Study of Literature
-Video Games as a Tool for the Promotion of Reading Literature: Video Games as a Tool for the Promotion of Reading Literature
-Virtual Education at University of Sonora: Virtual Education at University of Sonora
-ENLACE: A Real Alternative for the Evaluation of Reading Comprehension? ENLACE: A Real Alternative for the Evaluation of Reading Comprehension?
-Discursive skills in college students. An exploratory study with students of Accounting and Administration at University of Sonora: Discursive skills in college students. An exploratory study with students of Accounting and Administration at University of Sonora
-Representations and Imaginaries in Reading Training of Students from UES: a Case Study: Representations and Imaginaries in Reading Training of Students from UES: a Case Study
-Teaching of Writing and Development of Metalinguistic Competences: Teaching of Writing and Development of Metalinguistic Competences
-Narrative and Interactivity in Videogames: Narrative and Interactivity in Videogames
-Teaching Methodology for Effective Text Production to First Semester College Students (Technological, Industrial, and Services High School No. 11 [CBTIS] in Hermosillo Sonora): Teaching Methodology for Effective Text Production to First Semester College Students (Technological, Industrial, and Services High School No. 11 [CBTIS] in Hermosillo Sonora)
-Poesía experimental catalana: reflexiones sobre experimentalidad, aprendizaje y emoción : Catalan experimental poetry: Reflections on experimentalism, learning and emotion
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 40


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