REVISTA PSICUMEX Collection home page

La Revista PSICUMEX es una publicación en español de las universidades que forman la cátedra de psicología del Consorcio de Universidades de México, con carácter científico y con énfasis en la investigación, que busca difundir los avances en el área de psicología de México, Latinoamérica y España.

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 116
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
-Impulsiveness and BIS / BAS systems as risk factors for drug use in people deprived of Liberty
-Academic self-efficacy, academic social support, academic well-being and its relation with academic performance in university students
-Hurtful events, compassionate love, and quality of life in couples with heart disease
-Empathy towards the partner as a mediator of the attachment´s effect on forgiveness and resentment
-Mental health, coping skills and academic performance in undergraduate students
-Cognitive variables of university students: their relationship with the dedication to study and academic performance: Dedicación al estudio y Rendimiento académico en Universitarios
-Personal Agency Scale in higher education: design and measurement: personal agency scale
-La Space conceptualization: Language and cognitive egocentrism
-Aceptación social de alumnos con alto rendimiento académico en México: Aceptación social y alto rendimiento
-Cognitive rumination and its relationship whit the internalizing psychopathologies: A Systematic Review
-Inclusive model through the use of ICT in attention to indigenous students of higher education
-Variables que afectan la relación entre las conductas sustentables y sus repercusiones psicológicas positivas: rasgos de personalidad y costos conductuales
-Family variables associated with suicidal behaviors: a review of literature
-Integrative psychotherapeutic intervention in a case of cellotipia
-Diagnosis for the design for a psychological intervention program for families in high conflict psycho-legal proceedings
-Parenting styles of mothers with partner violence experiences
-Validation study of the emotional empathy questionnaire for children
-Evaluating professional practicums: possibility for the improvement of higher education in Mexico
-Effect of an intervention of emotional intelligence concerning psychological well-being and depression on older adults
-Trust, Victimization, and Disorder in Mexicans’ Perception of Insecurity
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 116


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