REVISTA SANUS Collection home page

SANUS es una revista electrónica arbitrada y de acceso abierto, editada por la División de Ciencias Biológicas y de la Salud de la Universidad de Sonora, que tiene como misión contribuir al avance del conocimiento científico y de la práctica profesional de Enfermería, a través de la difusión de artículos científicos originales de origen nacional e internacional, mismos que puede ser incluidos en una de sus cuatros secciones: Investigación Revisión (sistemáticas, bibliográficas, metanálisis, etc) Estudios de caso (Praxis)

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 77
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
-Educational intervention in caregivers to prevent pressure ulcers in adults with prolonged immobility
-Nutritional status and socioeconomic level of schoolchildren aged 7 to 9 from Ciudad Obregon, Sonora
-Theoretical knowledge and utilization of the theory of comfort in nursing practice
-Adaptation and coping of people who underwent brain tumor surgery: literature review
-Construction, validation and reliability of the family adaptation scale of adults with mental disorders
-Nursing care in a vulvar cancer patient
-Characterization of adults without risk and with risk for type 2 diabetes, and adults with type 2 diabetes in Northern Mexico
-Negative stereotypes towards ageing in college students majoring in the health field
-The importance of nursing research in chronic diseases
-Assessment of nursing towards people with intellectual disabilities in a training center of El Bajío
-Coping strategies towards people with multiple sclerosis, throu-ghout their life experience
-Indirect temperature determination of solution for peritoneal dialysis with infrare thermometer
-Triggers of violence towards healthcare personnel of a second level care hospital
-Nursing professionals training under theoretical models’ context
-Phenomenology: comprehensive and Interpretative philosophy for Nursing Care
-Self-Efficacy of family caregivers for children with autism spectrum disorders: integrative review
-Specific theory regarding family behavior of people who have type 2 diabetes
-Case study of a user with diagnosis of superior vena cava syndromedue to mediastinal neoplasm
-Mental and somatic manifestations of anxiety in adolescents enrolled in secondary schools
-Right of access to health care of older persons in Mexico: critical discursive reflection
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 77


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