REVISTA SANUS Collection home page

SANUS es una revista electrónica arbitrada y de acceso abierto, editada por la División de Ciencias Biológicas y de la Salud de la Universidad de Sonora, que tiene como misión contribuir al avance del conocimiento científico y de la práctica profesional de Enfermería, a través de la difusión de artículos científicos originales de origen nacional e internacional, mismos que puede ser incluidos en una de sus cuatros secciones: Investigación Revisión (sistemáticas, bibliográficas, metanálisis, etc) Estudios de caso (Praxis)

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 77
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
-Vital role of Nursing to Preserve World Health
-Socio-educational intervention for nursing practice: use of the dignified treatment indicator
-Biosafety in health personnel during pandemics time
-Social health determinants and education need about sexually transmitted infections in pregnant adolescents
-Sensory function and dependence in older adults with chronic disease
-Qualitative approach to experiences of pregnant adolescents
-Missed nursing care perceived by mothers of hospitalized pediatric patients
-Perception of the quality of nursing care from the perspective of people hospitalized in a public hospital
-Self-esteem and tobacco consumption in high school adolescents
-Análisis del concepto de coaching de salud
-Neonate with intravenous therapy: a literature review addressed to risk prevention
-Experiencia del profesional de enfermería ante la muerte y el proceso de morir en unidades de cuidado intensivo
-Appreciation of the Educational Role of the Nurse on the Inhabitants of a Community
-Planning and goals for compliance of the systemic hypertension treatment in the elderly
-Nursing care management in Acinetobacter baumannii infection: clinical case
-Level of satisfaction of students of the bachelor’s degree in nursing regarding clinical simulation
-Frequency of gram-negative bacteria found in cellular phones of nursing students
-Living in uncertainty after a pituitary macroadenoma: a case study
-Nursing consultation: a concept analysis
-Primary caregiver, agent transmitting infections associated to health care: literature review
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 77


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