Estudios λambda. Teoría y práctica de la didáctica en lengua y literatura obedece a la necesidad de contar con un espacio editorial plural, de intercambio y discusión académicos en el campo de la didáctica de la lengua y la literatura. Se trata de una revista de carácter científico – reflexivo y con énfasis en la innovación e investigación, que busca incluir los resultados de las investigaciones educativas en el ámbito de la lengua y la literatura que se realizan a nivel nacional e internacional.

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 40
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
-Network of discursive genres of support for the writing of the scientific article in Physics: Red de géneros discursivos de soporte para la escritura del artículo científico en la Física
-Written Argumentation Skills of University Students: Habilidades de argumentación escrita en la universidad
-Effectiveness of an Information Literacy Course to Promote Informational Skills in University: Efectividad de un curso de Gestión de la Información para promover alfabetización informativa en universidad
-Releer a los clásicos desde el libro álbum: análisis de Lazarillo: Re-reading the classics from the picture book: Lazarillo's analysis
-Literature: art of educating and miseducating with words: Literatura: arte de educar y maleducar con la palabra
-Proposal for evaluation of CLIL and IPA methodologies in learning connectors in a second language: Proposal for evaluation of CLIL and IPA methodologies in learning connectors in a second language
-Comparative study related to texts comprehension of upcoming professors: Comparative study related to texts comprehension of upcoming professors
-Evaluation of Two Teaching Experiences Using Infographics as a Learning Strategy: Evaluation of Two Teaching Experiences Using Infographics as a Learning Strategy
-LEI: Tareas de Lectura, Escritura e Investigación para el desarrollo de la escritura de tesis: LEI: Tareas de Lectura, Escritura e Investigación para el desarrollo de la escritura de tesis
-Academic and disciplinary literacy: intervention with doctorate students in Education: Academic and disciplinary literacy: intervention with doctorate students in Education
-Teachers reports of plannig and the use of tablets in kindergarten : Teachers reports of plannig and the use of tablets in kindergarten
-Use of digital bibliographic sources at the University: Use of digital bibliographic sources at the University
-Art and Language: Flows and Tensions in Education: Art and Language: Flows and Tensions in Education
-New Sensibility and Novel: New Sensibility and Novel
-Studying Literature in Times of Hatred and Not Die Trying: Studying Literature in Times of Hatred and Not Die Trying
-Education and diversity: Interpretation of El huésped, by Guadalupe Nettel: Education and diversity: Interpretation of El huésped, by Guadalupe Nettel
-Other Transformations of an Imperialist Genre: Other Transformations of an Imperialist Genre
-Metamorphosis of a Life into Poetry: Metamorphosis of a Life into Poetry
-Description of the history review: Description of the history review
-Reading Habits and Technological Affinity of University Students: A Comparative Study of Five Spanish-speaking Universities: Reading Habits and Technological Affinity of University Students: A Comparative Study of Five Spanish-speaking Universities
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 40


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